Black Jack Bitumen Paint 1 Litre
The Black Jack Bitumen Paint 5 Litre - Black a solvent based, full bodied black bitumen paint. When dry, the product forms an odourless and taint free bitumen film suitable for the protection of metals, concrete roofing, felt, fibre, cement, corrugated iron, asphalt and wood against water attack. This product has a fast drying time and is suitable for use with portable drinking water tanks. It dries to a matt finish.
Item 3 Black Jack 901 Bitumen Paint 1 Litre EVB90101 2 - Black Jack 901 Bitumen Paint 1 Litre EVB90101. £14.62 + £7.99 postage. Everbuild Black Jack 901 Bitumen Paint 1 Litre. Metal protection - corrugated iron sheets, fire escapes, stairways, ladders, storage tanks, gutters, down pipes, fences, railings, gates etc. As a protective coating for concrete structures, stone, brick, concrete screeds and sand/cement surfaces. Overcoating felt/wood. SKU: 686-EVB90101.
- Fast drying
- Suitable for application to wide variety of materials
- Provides an effective waterproof coating
- Suitable for use with portable drinking water tanks
- Height: 235mm
- Width: 180mm
- Depth: 180mm
- Weight: 5ltr
- Pack Quantity: 1
- Colour: Black
- Weather Resistant: Yes
- Adhesive Application: Brush